8th Grade Science


The goal for 8th Grade Science class is to enable students to engage and present work at a level of competency that will prepare them for high school and all higher levels of education.


In order to accomplish our goals, activities will be prepares to allow my students analyze and gather information from scientific texts as well as learn concepts through hands-on discovery.

Mastery of Skills:

Skills are taught in a way that my students will develop and maintain a sense of curiosity in science and how it relates to the world around them as well as their role in the improvement, maintenance, and prevention of abuse of the environment. The mastery of these skills will help students to become productive positive citizens.

Future Effects of Our Work:

The testimony of students who take the opportunity to develop their skills and apply them in high school can be used to inspire other students facing similar circumstances.

Most Important Skills:

The important skill students will learn from class is to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of science.